Sunday, November 20, 2011

KAT Celebrates Homecoming

For Homecoming this year at LSU, the Delta Kappa chapter was paired with the men of Kappa Sigma, Pi Kappa Alpha, and Delta Sigma Theta. This year, the theme for Homecoming was "Home Sweet Home: Calling LSU" and Theta chose to celebrate it in style with "Spicier in the Swamp". Everyone worked hard all week pomping our wonderful lawn decorations. Theta also celebrated Homecoming with Parent's Day on Saturday before the big game where Theta's and their families enjoyed a barbeque lunch, raffle and the annual Homecoming parade.

Thetas posing as LSU Coach Les Miles and a LSU cheerleader 
Sophomores Katie and Claire Salzer during Parent's Day festivities
Our Tiger Tailgating Recipe

The Theta ladies and men of Kappa Sigma, Pi Kappa Alpha, and
Delta Sigma Theta riding in the Homecoming parade.
Theta's posing in front of Mike the Tiger.

Thanks to everyone involved in making it such a great homecoming, and a special thanks to Collegiate Relations Chair Katie Tipton for all of her hard work!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

First Two Exchanges!

Our first exchange of the semester was with Theta Xi and the theme was "Up in the Air."It was so much fun helping all the baby kites make costumes for their first exchange ever! Before the exchange we had dinner with Theta Xi at our house then we rode buses to Boudreaux and Thibodeaux's downtown. We had such a legit time with Theta Xi, some of our girls even got asked to be gameday dates! Our next exchange was during Big Sis/Lil Sis week with Sig Ep; the theme was "Name That Tune."

Active Thetas!

Delta Kappa is very active in all the fraternity philanthropy event and intermurals. This semester we are playing volleyball intermurals. We all go out and support our sisters playing and cheer them on! We also LOVE playing  in the fraternity philanthropy events; it's so much fun being competing with the other sororities all for a good cause! Here are some pictures from Pie Kappture the Flag, Phi Delt's Kickball and SAE splashdown.

Discovery Day 2011

On Friday September 23 we had our Big Sis/Lil Sis revel! The baby kites put together puzzles with their bigs name and a room number on them. After the puzzle was put together the littles ran upstairs to their bigs room in the house and got showered with gifts, it was pretty much Christmas in September. It was so exciting watching the littles find out  who their bigs were. They were so surprised since it had been a secret all week! After the revel all the families went out to eat even some great great grand bigs came! It's one of the funnest weeks of the year because the bigs craft all week,  I mean what sorority girl doesn't like to craft?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

KAT-fish for CASA

We held our first ever KAT-fish for CASA on Friday, April 1st; it was our biggest philanthropy event of the year! For $8 supporters could buy catfish dinners that included catfish, two sides, and a brownie. We also had t-shirts for sell and live music! We ended up raising over $6,000. Delta Kappa is so thankful for everyone's donations and support for CASA!

Twin Star Formal

Yesterday, March 26, was Delta Kappa's Twin Star Formal. It was at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Baton Rouge. The day started off with a brunch at the Theta house with everyone's family. All the new members wore long white dresses and were presented by their dads at formal. It was definitely one of the funnest events of this year and we can't wait for next year!


Greek Week

During Greek Week at LSU the Greeks partner up with Habitat for Humanity and help build two houses. We loved helping out and worked hard for the families! It was fun working with all the other Greek chapters and getting to know them better, they also made us super cute t-shirts for the week. It was amazing to see all the progress we had made at the end of the week!

Step Show

 February 23rd, LSU Thetas participated in the second LSU Spring PHC and NPC Step Show! Cydney Lorio choreographed the dance with the help of an NPC liaison. The girls practiced really hard and you could definitely tell!  Although Theta didn't place in any of the awards they got fourth place, and we are so very proud of them! Go watch how LEGIT our girls are! (the link is below)


DKE exchange

Our first exchange of the Spring semester was with DKE. The theme was Playgroud Throwdown, we all dressed really cute like little kids with bows, overalls, and school uniforms. We had a great time with DKE and can't wait for our next exchange!

Founders Day

Saturday morning Thetas past and present gathered together to celebrate Founder's Day! In a meaningful ceremony everyone was reminded of the ideals of Theta and the strong bond that our sisterhood entices. After a small gathering everyone to discussed what the sisterhood means to them and share stories about their experiences. It was so exciting meeting past Thetas from our chapter!

Christmas Party

At the end of the semester before everybody left to go home for the holiday we had a sisterhood Christmas party. We all wore  tAcKy sweaters and pajamas. We drank hot chocolate, decorated cookies, and made bows for our hair (TSM)! It was one of our funnest and biggest sisterhood events of the semester and a great way to end the semester!

Watermelon Bust

On September 11th the Delta Kappa chapter participated in Lambda Chi Alpha's Watermelon Bust. Watermelon Bust is Lambda Chi's big philanthropy event they do every year and gives each sorority their own colored t-shirts. It was held on the parade grounds with watermelons everywhere, a dunk tank, a tug-o-war, and  super fun slip 'n slide! We all got super sticky and covered in busted watermelons, so much fun!